Silence of Blue

Melkweg Awards Nominee 2019

Just like blue,
silence surrounds.

​An overstimulating society awakens the need to repurpose design towards the appreciation of simpler things.

This project traces the presence of silence by making it noticeable through an analogy with light: the blue color expands as silence is perceived in the atmosphere, or retracts if interrupted.

As it takes over, the tones of silence highlight the intimacy certain things need to unfold, and how we need to give them attention in order to allow them to exist.

blue light in its loud state
blue light in its medium state
blue light in its quiet state
Evolution of silence in the atmosphere, expressed through color.
technical drawings about the system mechanics
technical drawings about the system mechanics
technical drawings about the system mechanics
technical drawings about the system mechanics
technical drawings about the system mechanics
technical drawings about the system mechanics
project viewed from diverse angles project viewed from diverse angles project viewed from diverse angles
project viewed from diverse angles project viewed from diverse angles project viewed from diverse angles